7 USG Alumni Attend MUN Nepal

Seven PUAN alumni are attending USG funded Everest International Model United Nations Program hosted by U.S. Embassy Katmandu in Nepal from July 10-14! Go Team PUAN and conquer the event.

Our delegate includes: Asifa Khan, Nauman Mohib, Muhammad Hassan Dajana, Ayesha Shaikh, Nabila Abbass, Dua Amir and Mohsin Ali. P.S. PUAN received a total of 800 applications and has picked these top seven alumni nationwide to attend 2023 MUN.

  1. Asifa Khan

2. Nabila Abbas

3. Duaa Amir

4. Mohsin Ali

5. Nouman Mohib

6. Ayesha Shaikh

7. Muhammad Hassan Dajana

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