Pakistan-U.S. Alumni Network

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Empowering Vulnerable Communities: Combatting Heat Stress in Faisalabad

By: Shehneela Mazhar

In the scorching heat of the summer season, Dr. Farhana Nosheen, a distinguished Fulbright Alumna 2017 and Exchange Ambassador of the North Punjab Chapter, took a proactive step to address a critical issue facing low-income women in the peri-urban community of Faisalabad. The awareness session, held at the Zuniorian Foundation, unfolded as an enlightening experience for the participants.

The session revolved around a pressing concern – how to counter the adverse effects of heat stress. Engaging with a group of low-income women, Dr. Farhana shared invaluable insights and mitigation strategies that could shield families, especially children, from the extremities of high temperatures. The importance of these strategies was highlighted in safeguarding health and well-being during the sweltering months.

What set this session apart was its practical approach. Dr. Farhana showcased tangible practices that could be seamlessly integrated into the participants’ daily lives to address heat stress at home. These hands-on demonstrations resonated deeply with the group, empowering them to take immediate action to protect their families.

The interactive nature of the session fostered an environment where questions flowed freely. During the question-answer segment, the resource person adeptly addressed various queries, enriching the understanding of all present.

By imparting practical know-how and raising awareness, Dr. Farhana Nosheen has not only enhanced the resilience of this community but also demonstrated the profound impact that grassroots initiatives can achieve.

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