Pakistan-U.S. Alumni Network

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Alumni Power: Driving Environmental Change in Punjab

The Pakistan-U.S. Alumni Network (PUAN) is thrilled to spotlight the exceptional work of our alumni who are at the forefront of tackling climate and environmental challenges in Punjab. These dedicated individuals are forming impactful partnerships and implementing innovative solutions that are reshaping their communities.

DCM Schofer & Consul General Hawkins met with the climate interest group of the PUAN during their visit to Multan. Out of over 44,000 members of PUAN 12,000 are right here in Punjab! By showcasing specific examples of alumni-led initiatives, such as reforestation efforts, sustainable agriculture practices, or clean energy projects, we can highlight the tangible impact of their work. Profiling these alumni will not only celebrate their achievements but also inspire others to join the environmental movement.

Let’s work together to inspire others to join the environmental movement by sharing these success stories widely.

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