Pakistan-U.S. Alumni Network

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Empowering Youth Voices: PUAN’s Session Sparks Dialogue on Democracy

By: Shehneela Mazhar

In a thought-provoking collaboration with Lincoln Corner Muzaffarabad, Vice President Kaneez Ayesha Abbasi of PUAN North AJK Chapter orchestrated an engaging session that delved deep into the intricacies of Pakistan’s parliamentary system. The event, a convergence of intellect and aspiration, brought together a diverse group of 45-50 participants, encompassing both alumni and non-alumni members.

Distinguished voices took the center stage – luminaries such as Dr. Mehmood, Head of the International Relations department at AJKU, and Anwaar-Ul-Haq Gillani, the visionary founder of Young Diplomats Pakistan, joined Kaneez Ayesha Abbasi herself to shed light on the paramount significance of youth within the democratic framework.

The heart of this enlightening session pulsated with a fervent emphasis on the indispensable role that young minds play in shaping the destiny of a democratic nation. With resounding passion, the speakers underscored the urgent need for active engagement and participation of the youth in the political process. The event’s core objective – advocating for the establishment of a dedicated youth assembly – stood as an eloquent testament to the organizers’ unwavering commitment. This assembly, envisioned as a robust platform, would enable the youth to channel their concerns, aspirations, and opinions on matters that directly impact them.

At its essence, this visionary initiative is built upon the foundational pillars of empowerment and civic responsibility. The session aims to inspire the rising generation by nurturing a comprehensive understanding of the parliamentary system, fostering collaboration between alumni and non-alumni members, and amplifying the resounding voices of the youth through the proposed youth assembly. By providing a platform for active dialogue and impactful action, this session strives to transform passive observers into ardent contributors.

The ultimate aspiration is to ignite a powerful conviction within these young minds – a realization that they are the architects of their nation’s destiny. Capable of shaping policies, influencing decisions, and steering the course of their country, these youth stand poised to make a resounding impact. Through the collaborative efforts of Kaneez Ayesha Abbasi, the distinguished speakers, and the dedicated participants, this session exemplifies the true essence of empowerment, setting the stage for a future where the youth rise as active, engaged, and influential citizens.

With an unwavering belief in the potential of the youth, this session captures the essence of PUAN’s mission – fostering knowledge, engagement, and positive change. As the echoes of this enlightening discourse reverberate, it ignites a spark of inspiration that is bound to illuminate the path ahead for both the youth and the nation.

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