Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
General Information:
What are the major sectors for grants under PUAN Grants Program?
There are three types of PUAN Grant opportunities available:
- Special Theme
Grant proposals are solicited on pre-defined themes for each cycle. Special themes are announced at the start of each grant cycle.
Special Themes for current grant cycle are as follows:
a. Promoting entrepreneurship and strengthening business ties between the United States and Pakistan.
b. Promoting principled use of emerging technologies.
c. Combatting censorship and promoting free speech.
- Open Theme:
Alumni whose project idea cannot be covered by any of the announced “Special Themes”, can still apply as “Open Theme” project.
- PUAN Connects: Chapter Alumni Engagement
The funding stream of PUAN Connects: Chapter Alumni Engagement provides a unique opportunity for members of any chapter to work around an interesting idea by engaging more alumni fellows. These ideas can be around networking and/or contact building by supporting a thematic activity within the chapter. Grants under Chapter Connects will be capped at 250,000 PKR at max.
What is the geographical coverage of PUAN Grants?
ASG is open to applicants from all four provinces of Pakistan as well as Gilgit-Baltistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir.
Do applicants need to have experience implementing this project?
No. Experience implementing donor-funded projects will be considered positively, but the lack of such experience will not be considered as a disadvantage.
How many applications can an applicant submit at one time?
Applicants are strongly encouraged to develop their proposal in consultation with previous alumni small grants awardees. Applicants should invest time in developing their project proposal to ensure that the standards of quality are maintained. Therefore, an applicant may only submit one application at a time. A second application will not be considered until the applicant is informed about the status of its first application.
I forgot to attach a few documents with the application. Can I resubmit it?
Once online proposal is submitted, it can’t be accessed again. However, if proposal is returned after review, applicant can add new material before resubmitting proposa
I don’t have a DSLR to record my 60-second video. Will this affect my application?
No. We encourage you to record your video using your cellphone’s camera. However, we do request alumni to follow the guidelines provided here.
Are applicants, whose original application was turned down, allowed to apply again?
Applicants who have not been successful in receiving an award are welcome to apply again. These applicants may, if interested, contact PUAN Grants Officer at to discuss the reasons why their original application was rejected and receive suggestions on how a new proposal could be strengthened.
An applicant will have to wait until the next application cycle to reapply for a grant in case his/her application was initially turned down.
Can I apply for more than one project with multiple applications simultaneously in the same grants cycle?
No, you may apply for only one type of grant per cycle.
Can I apply for PUAN Grants on individual basis or do I have to constitute a group of multiple people in order to apply for it?
Alumni can apply as a team for a single project. The team must identify a single person who will lead the project as a coordinator.
How to apply for PUAN membership?
As of October 1, 2024, PUAN membership will be limited to U.S. government-funded exchange participants who traveled to the United States for at least five days.
Grant Purposes:
What types of proposals can be submitted under PUAN Grants?
A valid proposal under PUAN Grants must meet the following criteria:
- be innovative and unique
- be independently originated and developed by the applicant
- be consistent with and supportive of the alumni exchange experience
- be able to meet a specific community need
What can be classified as a purpose of PUAN Grants?
Proposals should recommend new, creative, and innovative projects that can be successfully completed within a six-month period of performance. To learn more about prior successful PUAN Grants (formerly Alumni Small Grants), and to avoid duplication, please visit
Are there any specific forms for applying for PUAN Grants?
No. All proposals must be submitted online. Only PUAN members registered with PUAN Alumni Portal will be able to apply online. For online registration and proposal submission please visit
What are the key prerequisites for an applicant to qualify for funding under PUAN Grants?
Applicants must be:
- • Applicant must be an alumnus/alumna of the U.S. Government-funded exchange program
• Applicant must be registered with the PUAN Alumni Portal. (To register visit (
• Applicant must be 18 years or older
Which other supplementary documents are essential for submission along grant application?
Depending on your project activities, following documents must be submitted along-with grant application:
- Training module/agenda
- Training curriculum/coursework
- No Objection Certificate(s) (NOCs) from local government
- Letters of consent or MOUs from other organizations involved
- Bio of trainers
- CVs of team members (key personnel)
- Details of other partner organizations
How can I reduce my budget cost on venue?
You can talk to your university/organization administration for subsidized venue arrangement. You can also look for government owned placed. You can also get in touch with your respective alumni coordinator as well who can connect your with senior faculty members (alumni) in this regard. Moreover, State-Department-funded Lincoln Corners Centers can support alumni activities with minimal expense.
What is the most pertinent information I need to provide with regards to the proposed target audience?
Proposals should clearly explain the selection criteria for your target audience e.g. students, widows, teachers etc. Also, mention the number and gender segregation of people you plan to select for your workshop/training/project etc.
How important is the role of senior alumni in a PUAN Grant?
Senior alumni can assist and guide you as a mentor on volunteer basis with regards to running your project effectively and efficiently. They can also volunteer as a trainer in your project hence saving you time and budget cost. However, engaging a senior alumnus/alumna is not mandatory.
Are cash prizes allowed under PUAN Grants program?
No, cash prizes and donations are strictly prohibited. You can give certificates, shields or other stationery items etc. to your winning participants as a token of appreciation.
For Grantees:
Can alumni get funding for new projects after the completion of an awarded project?
Yes, but preference will be given to new applicants to maximize outreach of the program to other deserving communities.
What is waiting period for a Grantee to re-apply for a new or ongoing small grants project?
An applicant will have to wait until three (3) months after a successful project implementation to reapply for another grant. An unsuccessful applicant can apply during any subsequent submission period.
What are the reporting requirements for the PUAN Grants?
After the award of a project, the Grantees will be required to submit provisional/final report(s) that must contain a narrative as well as financial elements. Project reports shall be submitted congruent to the duration of the Project. Sharing of reporting templates with alumni is subject to project proposal approval.
Will the unused funds, if any, be returned to PUAN-USEFP upon completion of a project?
Yes. Any unused funds should be promptly returned to PUAN-USEFP upon the completion of a project.
Will PUAN monitor the implementation of projects under PUAN Grants?
Yes. Project monitoring will be carried out through:
- Progress reports by the Grantees
- Monitoring visits by PUAN team
- Participating (wherever possible) in project activities
The purpose of such monitoring visits will be to assess the progress vis-à-vis agreed targets and to monitor the operational transparency, documentation and other obligations as envisaged in the Grant Agreement.
Can the funds of PUAN Grants be used for other than approved project/activities?
No. The funds of PUAN Grants cannot be used for any project/activities that have not been approved.
What are the consequences of fraud/corruption/embezzlement/
misappropriation of funds of PUAN Grants by the Grantees?
In such cases, USEFP-PUAN will terminate the Grant Agreement and the Grantee will return all the disallowed costs. In addition, USEFP-PUAN may take other legal action as deemed appropriate.
Can a Small Grant pay salary for me and/or personnel involved?
No. Salary costs are not allowable expenses.
What is policy on the usage of logo (s) during the promotion of projects under PUAN Grants??
For detailed branding guidelines, please visit
It is compulsory that the alumni should take prior written consent from the U.S Embassy Islamabad, the U.S Consulates and the Pakistan-U.S Alumni Network’s office at USEFP, before the publication of any promotional material.
What information should I provide in section 2.11 Security Narrative?
Based on your project description, note any particular security concerns with your event. For instance, does it involve travel to high crime areas? Does it involve late night, overnight, or long-distance travel? Does the event address sensitive issues in your community? After describing any potential security concerns for alumni and participants, describe what steps you will take to address these concerns. Will you advertise the event openly or only via invitation? Did you choose a venue that provides security guards and screens attendees? Will you adjust your schedule to travel during the day? Does your budget include hiring additional security staff? The committee prefers applications that show a clear consideration of security issues, and creative solutions to minimize any security risk.
Selection Procedure:
What is the Grants Evaluation Committee?
The committee, chaired by a senior diplomatic officer of U.S. Mission, will meet to review all grants.
How will applicants be informed whether or not their applications have been selected for an award?
The PUAN Grants review committee will communicate the approval of as well as denial of awards over email.
What is USEFP-PUAN Office?
In collaboration with the U.S. Embassy in Pakistan, the United States Educational Foundation in Pakistan (USEFP) established a separate PUAN Grants (previously known as Alumni Small Grants) office in November 2012. This office works directly under USEFP’s Alumni Affairs department while coordinating closely with the Pakistan-U.S. Alumni Network (PUAN). PUAN is a network of alumni of U.S. Government-funded exchange programs that acts on the national level as well as 14 different chapters across the country. USEFP has provided an office space for ten full-time employees who will be working on PUAN Grants. The USEFP-PUAN office seeks to build on knowledge, skills, and mutual understanding learned during the alumnus’ participation in the exchange program, and to create an arena in which skills can be amplified to advance U.S. Embassy’s goal of increasing mutual understanding and supporting community service in Pakistan.
What happens after an application is submitted?
The applicant will be sent an acknowledgement of receipt via automated email when an application is successfully submitted online. The processing of an application may take 10-12 weeks at which point the applicant will be duly informed of the outcome.
Steps Involved in Processing an application:
Step 1 | – | Read General Information Document and Grant General Guidelines |
Step 2 | – | Submit online proposal |
Step 3 | – | Grants review committee will notify applicants regarding application status in 10-12 weeks |
Step 5 | – | Successful applicants will sign a Grant Award Document |
Step 6 | – | Successful applicants will receive first installment one week after approval |
Once an application under any funding stream of PUAN Grants is received, the USEFP-PUAN office reviews it to ensure that all the required information has been provided and to verify that the alumnus/alumna is eligible for funding. The USEFP-PUAN office may contact applicants to request additional information, if necessary. Once the review process is complete, the review committee reviews and scores the application and makes recommendations as to whether it should be awarded the grant or not. This information is then sent to the U.S. Embassy for further review. Staff from the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad as well as the Consulates in Karachi, Lahore, and Peshawar review the proposal and the committee’s recommendations before taking a decision. These decisions are then communicated to the applicant. Decisions by Grants Review Committee are final cannot be challenged or appealed.
What does the PUAN Grants evaluation committee like?
The PUAN Grants evaluation committee likes:
- Lots of details
- Clarity
- Focus on single idea
- Rational budget
- Applying your exchange experience
- Demonstration and justification of expertise
- Team work – Personnel including alumni, non-alumni and equal gender ratio
- Volunteerism
Can I view a sample of a previous application?
For privacy reasons, we cannot allow you to view previous applications. The USEFP-PUAN office can answer any specific questions you may have about required format and level of detail.
My proposal was funded for six months, but I haven't completed the work yet. Can I get an extension?
Extensions will not be regularly granted. In order to receive an extension, grant recipients must show significant progress towards completing the work and sufficiently explain the delay in completion. Please contact immediately if you believe you will require an extension. In the case of an extension denial, you will have to immediately return all unused project funds.
Where do higher budget applicants go?
Information about other grant programs offered by the U.S. Mission in Pakistan is available at