PUAN Conducts Workshop for New Anti-Harassment Counselors

The U.S. Embassy’s Minister Counselor for Public Affairs Will Ostick and Pakistan-U.S. Alumni Network Country President Aamir Khalil welcomed PUAN’s 28 new anti-harassment Honorary Counselors to an all-day training session in Islamabad on January 23.  PUAN supports two Honorary Counselors, one male and one female, from 14 chapter nationwide.  Embassy EEO Counselor Lucy Meliksetian McDougal and local alumni experts gave detailed presentations about American and Pakistani anti-harassment policies, discrimination laws, and related concepts.  They also outlined how the Honorary Counselors can help sensitize PUAN’s wider alumni community to anti-harassment matters during the next two years.

Modelling the Mission’s EEO counselors, the alumni counselors will cultivate a culture of respect that upholds the values of equality and dignity, protects the well-being of its members, and addresses allegations of all types of harassment in a fair, transparent, and consistent manner.  Through interactive group work, the honorary counselors also discussed the potential for cross-chapter collaborations.

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