Pakistan-U.S. Alumni Network

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PUAN Recognizes Mentors and Interns at Summer Internship Program Closing Ceremony

On Monday, October 23, 2023, the Pakistan-U.S. Alumni Network (PUAN) held a closing ceremony for Summer Internship Program at the United States Educational Foundation in Pakistan (USEFP) office. The ceremony was attended by mentors and interns from Islamabad, North AJK, South AJK, Gilgit and Balistan, who shared their experiences and celebrated the success of the program.

Kelly Ryan, Public Diplomacy Officer at PUAN-USEFP, congratulated the mentors for their volunteerism and the interns for their dedication. HE noted that the program provides interns with valuable hands-on experience and mentorship from experienced professionals, and that it is a mutually beneficial experience for both mentors and interns.

Several mentors and interns spoke at the ceremony, sharing their insights and reflections on the program.

  • Elsa Imdad while speaking about her experience as a mentor noted: “I was so impressed by the quality of the interns this year. They were smart, motivated, and eager to learn. I enjoyed mentoring them and helping them to develop their skills and knowledge.”
  • Ahsan shared about his experiences as intern: “This internship was an amazing experience. I learned so much from my mentor and from the other interns. I also had the opportunity to work on real-world projects and make a meaningful contribution to my organization.”

The PUAN Summer Internship Program is a highly competitive program that provides interns with the opportunity to work for 12 weeks at a leading organizations in Pakistan. The program is designed to give interns hands-on experience in their field, develop their professional skills, and build relationships with mentors and other professionals.

The closing ceremony was a fitting end to a successful summer internship program. The mentors and interns who participated in the program learned a great deal from each other and made valuable contributions to their organizations. The program is a testament to the commitment of PUAN and USEFP to supporting the professional development of young Pakistanis.

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