Pakistan-U.S. Alumni Network

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PUAN Summer Internship Program 2024: Shaping Pakistan’s Workforce

The PUAN Summer Internship Program 2024 has come to a close, and we’re thrilled to celebrate its incredible success! This year, the program made significant waves by placing 60 PUAN alumni across various exchange programs with host organizations.

Here’s what makes us truly proud:

  • A Staggering 36% Placement Rate! That’s right, a whopping 36% of interns secured positions with their host organizations after the program’s completion. This is a testament to the caliber of our alumni and the valuable skills they gained during the internship.
  • Mentorship Matters! A big shout-out to all our phenomenal senior alumni mentors who volunteered their time and expertise to guide these young professionals. Your dedication and passion for shaping the future of Pakistan’s workforce are truly inspiring!

This program isn’t just about internships, it’s about building a stronger Pakistan. By connecting experienced alumni with the next generation, we’re fostering knowledge transfer, professional growth, and ultimately, a more vibrant workforce.

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