Pakistan-U.S. Alumni Network

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A Touching Iftar Gathering at Najjat Old Age Home by PUAN Member

A heartwarming story recently unfolded at Najjat Old Age Home, showcasing the power of interfaith connection. Adnan Riaz, our English Works 2029 alumnus, a member of the Christian community and PUAN fellow along with his fellow volunteers from the Taleem o Tarbiyat Foundation, organized a special Iftar gathering.

Adnan has been working as a Hospitality Management Instructor at College of Tourism and Hotel Management Rawalpindi. He is also working as a Trainer Restaurant Manager at Hashoo School of Hospitality Management.

PUAN alumnus Adnan and his team were welcomed with open arms by the residents by the elders residents of Najjat Old Age Home . The atmosphere buzzed with warmth and shared stories, transcending religious backgrounds. It wasn’t just a visit, but a beautiful exchange of experiences and a celebration of our shared humanity. In the spirit of togetherness, Adnan and his friends joined the residents for the Iftar meal. The act of breaking fast together created a powerful moment of unity and understanding. It served as a reminder that kindness and compassion can bridge any divide. As the evening progressed, a delicious communal dinner filled the air with inviting aromas. Adnan and his companions served the senior citizens with generosity, fostering a sense of companionship and warmth. Laughter and heartfelt conversations filled the room, exemplifying the beauty of human connection.

Gratitude resonated as goodbyes were exchanged. Adnan and his team left Najjat Old Age Home with hearts full of appreciation for the bonds formed and the lessons shared. Their visit underscored the importance of understanding and empathy in building a harmonious society.

This story serves as a powerful reminder of the unifying power of compassion. In a world often facing division, Adnan and his companions offer a beacon of hope, inspiring us to embrace each other and build bridges of understanding, one act of kindness at a time.

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